The 11+ and ISEB
11+ is the primary entry point to secondary school for most students.
Discover more about his process and what we can do to help!
I go to Highgate School l, I have had a year of experience as a part time tutor. I have helped students prepare for the online ISEB pre-test especially for its reasoning and English components.. I can also help with the later school specific tests, especially for english creative writing sections and comprehension papers.
I go to Westminster School, I have been tutoring part-time for 2 years and I have worked with students for the ISEB test, focusing on the maths and reasoning components. However, I mainly focus on the secondary tests which are specific for each school. Most tests will have a maths portion which I can help with. I worked with students that have got into top schools such as Eton and St Paul's in the past..
I go to St Paul's School, I am currently in my last year and I have been tutoring during my 6th form year. I have helped students prepare for the ISEB test, entrance exams and interviews, especially for maths and sciences.. I am knowledgable on the specific process for St Pauls schools and am happy to work with students in prepartions for their maths and english tests.